The Future of Pixel Game

Hi y'all, so I haven't been active for a few months, but I just want to tell you all the future of Pixel Game, so a few months ago, my pc burned cuz it was hot, and it started burning and the only thing that survived was my hard drive (don't worry my house was fine) and I've been trying to revive my hard drive for a few months now and found a person last year to fix and let me see the contents of my hard drive, I don't know what the future hold, maybe the hard drive is dead, maybe it all ok, I don't know but for now, the development of pixel game has stopped until further notice, thank you so much to all who have supported this game and I hope I can revive it someday..

Here are some questions I think some of you might say:

Why can't you plug your hard drive to another pc?

- Because I have a laptop, running off of an ssd.

Why can't you buy a SATA to USB adapter?

- Because I already have sent it to the person fixing it.

But again, thank you so much for supporting my game and I'm sorry the development of it stopped, I'll still be active making other games, but for now, Pixel Game is dead until further notice...


Pixel Game.exe 34 MB
Mar 27, 2022

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